.: pictures :.
The workshop in february 2007 – the hotel Sirava, Zemplinska Sirava, Slovakia

Oleg Luksha, vicepresident of Uzhorod XXI. Century asociation during an interwiev
for TV Zemplin

Common photography of slovak and ukraine organsisation team

Presentation of Oleg Luksha, viceprezident of Uzhorod XXI. Century asociation

Address the mayor of the city Michalovce Viliam Zahorcak. On his right is Gabriel
Doric, the deputy chief of the city Michalovce.
On his left is viceconzul of ukraine in Slovakia Vitalij Usatiyj

Wiev on the participants of conference

Address the viceconzul of Ukraine in Slovakia Vitalij Usatiyj

Participantws of the conference during conversations