Legal regulations |
Act no. 83/1990 of the Code in a later version about the gathering of citizens |
Membership |
Members of association can be physical or even legal persons |
Limitations |
Associations that cannot be civil associations are those :
Whose aim is to deny or limit personal, political or other rights of
the citizens because of their nationality, gender, race, origin,
political or other opinions, religion, social status, to spread hate
and intolerance from these reasons, to support violence or to break the constitution and the law in another way ;
Which follow achieving their goals in the ways which are in conflict
with the constitution and the law ;
Which are armed or with armed components; as these are not
considered associations whose members hold or use guns on
sport purposes or on purpose of the conduct of the hunting right ;
Organizations whose activity is regulated by another act (e.g.
political parties, churches, etc.) |
Establishing |
Association is created by the registration at the Ministry of Interior
Affairs of SR. The registration proposal is presented by the
Preparation Committee that have to consist of at least 3 citizens, out
of which at least one must be older than 18 |
Fee |
Registration fee is SKK 1000 |
Registration |
Part of the registration proposal are the regulations that have to
contain :
Name of association ,
Residence ,
Aim of its activity ,
Bodies of association, the way of their appointing, setting the
bodies and officers entitled to act on behalf of the association ,
Regulations about organization units if they are established and if
they act on their behalf ,
Principles of operation. |
Dissolution |
Voluntary dissolution or
Merging with another association or
Legal decision of the Ministry about the dissolution under the terms
stated in § 12 of the Code (generally, if the association conducts an
activity in conflict with the law ) |
Obligation to accounting service |
Civil association as a legal person is obliged to accounting service ;
In case it does not run any business activity and its incomes in the
last accounting period did not exceed 3 million SKK, it can use the
single entry bookkeeping system |