O úroveň späť Vstupná stránka - menu

1. Introduction

1.1 Macroeconomic framework of the country and the region
1.2 Geographic-factual framework of the country and the region

2. Legislation

2.1 Legislation regulating business environment
2.2 Legal entities established for business enterprise
2.3 Legal entities not established for the purpose of business enterprise
2.4 Trade licensing of physical entities
2.5 Company registration and business sector regulation
2.6 Business enterprise of foreigners
2.7 Legislative process
2.8 Rights of ownership, their protection and their enforceability
2.9 Personal data protection
2.10 Judicial system in SR

3. Labour market

3.1 Labour-law relations
3.2 Working time and wages
3.3 Rights and obligations of employees and employers
3.4 Employment of foreigners

4. Accounting, taxes and customs

4.1 Tax assessment in the country
4.2 Direct Taxes
4.3 Indirect Taxes
4.4 Tax administration
4.5 Customs matters
4.6 Account periods

5. Liabilities for enlistment

5.1 Characteristics of individual insurances
5.2 The amount of enlistments into individual insurance trusts

6. Bank sector

6.1 National Bank of Slovakia
6.2 Commercial banks
6.3 Possibilities of working of an account by a foreigner

7. Possibilities of obtaining financial resources for business enterprise

7.1 State policy of foreign investments support
7.2 Credit obtaining
7.3 Obtaining of non-recurring financial resources

8. Consulting for enterprisers

8.1 Business support on the side of the state
8.2 Business consulting in Slovakia

9. OKEČ - Classifier of economic activity types

9.1 OKEČ - Classifier of economic activity types

10. Business register

10 1 Electronic forms
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