2.4 Trade licensing of physical entities
The business based on the Trade License Ownership is in the Trades Licensing Act defined as follows :
systematic activity – it requires a continuous or regularly repeated running of the business,
carried out independently by the enterpriser – business enterprise is not considered an activity which is decided by somebody else
carried out in one own’s name – it means that the enterpriser is running business under
his/her business name
carried out at one own’s responsibility – the enterpriser is bearing the risk for his/her
business results, he/she is responsible for assumed liabilities even for a potential
losses from his/her business or even for bankruptcy
for the purpose of gaining profit – this is the main aim of business enterprise whereby
profit is considered a motive, while the law does not require the profit to be really
gained, it is enough if the enterpriser carries out his/her activity with the intention of
gaining profit
under the conditions set by the Trades Licensing Act.
Defining of the business based on the Trade License Ownership is the so-called negative
definition. Under the business based on the Trade License Ownership can be understood
whatever business activity if it is not excluded from the business based on the Trade License
Ownership according to the law, even if it is not mentioned in the law or if it is not in conflict
with good manners.
General terms of the business based on the Trade License Ownership run by physical
entities are :
achieving the age of 18
competency to perform legal acts
impeccability (proved by the extract from the Penal Register of the Attorney
An impeccable person is not considered the one who has been sentenced for an economic
criminal act, a criminal act against property or any other criminal act committed wilfully, of
which the subject matter is related to the subject of business.
To the particular terms belong specialized skills or other skills. The examination of these
conditions of specialized skills (stated in the appendix of the Law) secures the protection of
public interest. The lack of specialized skills of the enterpriser may be substituted by the
nomination of a responsible representative. The responsible representative is a physical
entity who is in charge of the skilled running of the business based on the Trade License
Ownership. This representative must be in a labour-law relation to the enterpriser when
running the the business based on the Trade License Ownership (this does not apply to a
husband and a wife). The responsible representative must fulfil general and particular terms
of running the business based on the Trade License Ownership and must be the resident of
In the Trade Licensing Act the business based on the Trade License Ownership is divided
according to various aspects. According to the way of acquiring the trade permission, the
business based on the Trade License Ownership is divided into :
reporting trades ,
licensed trades
The reporting trades are according to the requirements for specialized skills divided into :
craft trades,
linked trades,
free trades
The reporting trades may be run after the accomplishment of conditions on the basis of
reporting to the Trade Licensing Office. A physical entity is obliged to prove specialized skills
(in case it is required by a legal regulation), attach the extract from the Penal Register and
accomplish another terms set by the law. Specialized skills are not supposed to be proved by
the free reporting trades; it suffices to accomplish the general terms and conditions.
Craft trades are considered those activities which are determined by specialized skills
acquired by education in the specialization (branch of business). Specialize skills (ability to
carry them out) is proved :
by a skill certificate
by another certificate about completing educational specialization (school-leaving
certificate, university diploma, certificate of performed qualification examination) and
by the evidence of at least 3 years performed practice in the specialization
Linked trades are more demanding activities whereby the specialized skills are regulated by
special regulations. The Law exactly determines the conditions for a particular licensed trade,
i.e. for every trade separately. The linked trades are described in the appendix no. 2 of the
Trade Licensing Act. The linked trades are e.g. decantation of precious metals, eye optics,
and teaching of foreign languages, chimney examination, massage service, tourist guide,
and real-estate activity.
To the licensed trades belong demanding trades; the permission of those requires an
accomplishment of certain terms and conditions. Specialized skills for these trades are
regulated by the special regulations. A particular condition is reliability that is examined in
reference to the subject of business considering the life protection, the health protection, the
protection of property rights and other rights of personal and public interests. The condition of
reliability is not accomplished e.g. by person who has a clean extract from the Penal Register
but is known for his/her alcohol and drug addiction. The basic feature of the licensed trades
is the necessity of official permit. Contrary to the reporting trades, where the enterpriser
demands a trade permission by reporting (one-sided legal act), the licensed trades are not to
be demanded and the person interested have to ask the local Trade Licensing Office, which
will decide about the application within 30 days since applying, for a permission – “a
concession (or a license)”. Before the decision is made, the Trade Licensing Office is
verifying the accomplishment of all the conditions for performing the licensed trades. If it is
required to have a qualification, permission or references to operate the licensed trades, then
the Trade Licensing Office is bound to this. E.g. an exchange office has to have a currency
license required according to the Foreign Exchange Act. A concession (license) is the
permission of the Trade Licensing Office to perform licensed trades. The licensed trade
permission papers are the license deed and the extract from the Trades Register (the Small
Business Register). The licensed trades are described in the appendix no. 3 of the Trade
Licensing Act. The licensed trades are e.g. purchasing, selling of guns and munitions and
their transport, operation of shooting ranges, developing and producing of guns and
munitions, operation of burial places, of exchange offices, carrying business.
All sole traders are registered in the Trades Register (the Small Business Register). It is a
public list where all important data concerning the business subjects who have been issued
trade permission are registered. It is possible to find it on the internet at www.zrsr.sk.