8.1 Business support on the side of the state
There is a possibility for the enterprisers to obtain advisory services either free of charge or
subsidized from the enterprising state support in selected advisory centres placed all over
Slovakia associated in the networks RPIC/BIC/CPK.
This support is designed for small and medium businessmen who do not conduct business in
sectors such as agriculture, arms industry, provision of erotic services and operating of
casinos and gambling-houses. Within this support, a beginning and already existing
enterpriser obtains consulting and information services about enterprising subsidized in a
certain range in the amount of 63 hours. The price of consulting service per hour from which
the discounts are spooled is in this case SKK 500.
The amount of discounts for individual types of enterprisers
enterpriser |
Consulting hours |
0 – 6 hours |
7 – 63 hours |
Discount from the fee |
100% |
50% |
enterpriser |
Consulting hours |
0 – 2 hours |
3 – 12 hours |
13 – 63 hours |
Discount from the fee |
100% |
80% |
25% |
The number of hours means continual hours for a single enterpriser, i.e. the enterpriser has
the right for first hours free of charge and after their spending (also during a longer period),
the following advisory services are partially charged. These advisory services can be used
only by the enterprisers who conduct business in SR, i.e. also the legal entities owned by the
foreigners who have their registered office in SR.