4.5 Customs matters
The customs matters in SR are arranged by the Act No. 199/2004 (Customs Law) on
amendments. The customs tariffs are stated on the grounds of the Common Customs Tariff
of the EU. The highest customs and the greatest financial problem are the customs duties for
agricultural products, especially for products of animal origin (for example meat). A high tariff
is also imposed on the importation of some machines, appliances and its parts, e.g. 62 % on
electric accumulators.
Opacity and bigger administrative seriousness is caused by a great number (over 10,000) of
Customs Tariff items with many tariffs. Tariff quotas and suspensions are also added to the
previous ones. They enable the importation for reduced customs tariffs but in case of the
fulfilment of various conditions.
The complex of tariff and trade legislation exercised on external borders of the EU with third
countries is presented by the TARIF Intégré Communautaire (TARIC). TARIC presents
autonomous arrangements and arrangements within GATT/WTO, preferential agreements
(e.g. with countries ACP, system GSP), antidumping arrangements. The contents of TARIC
are also non-tariff arrangements as an inspection, restrictions of goods movement, controls
(e.g. ozone, CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild
fauna and flora, precursors, dual-use goods), specific acknowledgements and certificates as
well as other restrictions related to the individual items of the Customs Tariff when importing
into the EU or when exporting. So TARIC includes a complete Customs Tariff of the EU,
though is not a segregate enactment. I.e. that TARIC is used mainly for a fast and complex
searching of the below mentioned data needed for trade with a concrete commodity between
the EU and third countries. The data contained is possible to search either by means of the
code of goods, or by means of the description of goods. TARIC is accessible on the site
Contributions of importers to the Recycling fund
The recycling fund contributions are additional costs for the importers. The contributions are
obligatory fees for the importers (as well as for the producers) of batteries and accumulators,
oils, pneumatic tires, multilayer combined materials, plastics, paper, glass, vehicles and
metal packing containers. The importers of goods which become a waste must pay a
contribution according to the weight of product and rate*.
Customs procedure
The customs procedure starts with the submitting of the customs declaration by which the
release of goods is proposed to the customs regime or the assignment of other purpose or
use approved by the customs.
The customs procedure can be done in a simplified manner during which the Customs Office
permits an exclusion of some customs formalities.
The original of the invoice and its copy are enclosed in the written declaration of the data on
the customs value. The Customs authorities can abandon the presentation of a copy of the
invoice if the customs procedure proceeds under a simplified procedure.
The declarant is obliged upon the request of the Customs Office to specify the origin of
goods, to tolerate the taking of samples and to provide the Customs Office with a necessary
cooperation at his own expense.
Conformity assessment of products
The conformity assessment of products by technical norms (standards) is regulated by the
Act No. 264/1999 Coll. on technical requirements for products and on conformity assessment
and amendment to some acts in a later version. The producer or the importer of the stated
product can release only such a product on the market which meets the standards required
of the stated product. Before the release of the stated product on the market, he is obliged to
issue a written statement of conformity by technical regulations. The customs authority is
authorized to control whether the imported products have the statement of conformity and
the mark of conformity.
The producer or the importer is authorized to mark the stated product on which the statement
of conformity was issued, with the Slovak mark of conformity. The producer or the importer is
obliged to keep the documentation about the procedure used for the conformity assessment
and the statement of conformity and its records in the Slovak Republic and to give it to
supervision authorities on request at any time up to ten years since the production abort,
importation or release on the market. The obligation to ensure the keeping of the
documentation passes from the producers and the importers who terminated their activities
because of liquidation, bankruptcy or settlement to the official receiver or the liquidator. The
importer is not obliged to keep the documentation about the procedure used for the
conformity assessment in the Slovak Republic in case of an imported product marked
according to the paragraph 6 with the mark CE but he is obliged to submit it to the
supervision authority pursuant to conditions determined by specific regulation.
The importer of goods is obliged to pay :
Customs duty (according to the Customs Tariff)
Excise tax (in case of goods which are liable to tax)
Value Added Tax – 19 %
Recycling Fund contribution (in case of goods which are liable to this payment)
According to the business environment audit, the filling in of 9 documents at average for the
settlement of the exportation from the Slovak Republic in needed and the whole process
takes 20 days at average.
* According to § 56 of Act No. 223/2001 Coll., on Waste and on Amendments and Supplements to
Some Acts