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4.3 Indirect Taxes

The indirect taxes assess the consumption of goods and services. The main classification of the indirect taxes is – universal and selective. The universal taxes touch the consumption of all consumers. The assignment of the selective taxes affects the consumption of particular goods.

Scheme – Structure of indirect taxes in the SR

4.3.1 Value Added Tax

The Value Added Tax is an economic neutral tax for business entities who are its payers. Its construction is based on a continuous taxation of added value – a continuous taxation on individual levels of realized outputs of operating and distributive chain.

The object of VAT is :

  • the supply of goods for a counter-value in the country executed by a taxable person ,
  • the provision of a service for a counter-value in the country executed by a taxable person ,
  • the acquisition of goods for a counter-value in the country from another Member State of the European Communities ,
  • the importation of goods into the country

  • The subject of VAT – the taxable party :

    Since the entry of Slovakia into the European Union, the term of a taxable party is wider (compared with the previous taxable party according to the Act on VAT effective till 2004). Within this category we differentiate 4 categories of people :

  • A taxable person assigned for tax – a registered taxpayer of VAT who carries out any economic activity (willingly or because of the exceeding of the turnover of SKK 1,500,000)
  • A taxable person assigned for tax who is not the taxpayer of VAT if the value of acquired goods from other Member State achieves SKK 420,000 or EUR 10,000 per calendar year. This person with tax liability does not have the right for deduction.
  • A taxable person who is not the taxpayer of VAT and a legal entity who is not a taxable party and is not registered for VAT but is obligated to pay the excise tax in the domestic country.
  • A taxable person is each person who supplies a new means of transport.

  • A foreigner who supplies goods in the form of distance selling is obliged to file the tax registration application at the tax office prior to the supply of goods when the person reaches a turnover of SKK 1,500,000 per calendar year.

    A taxable person who has the seat, place of business or fixed establishment in the country, and who achieved a turnover of SKK 1,500,000 per no more than 12 preceding consecutive calendar months, is obliged to fill in the tax registration application at the tax office. Except of this compulsory registration, the business entity may be registered as a willing payer of VAT. The tax period is one calendar month. If the taxpayer reaches a turnover of less than SKK 10,000,000 during the previous calendar year, the tax period shall be a calendar quarter.

    Tax base

    In respect of the supplies of goods and services, the taxable amount is everything that constitutes the consideration which has been or is to be obtained by the supplier from the recipient of the performance or another person in return for the supply of goods or service lessened by the tax. The taxable amount also includes the subsidy or contribution that is in direct connection with the price of goods or service.

    Tax rate

    The European Union supports a unit rate of VAT. Slovakia is on the same path. (Only two countries in the EU assert a unit rate of VAT). The tax rate is 19 % in case of the supply of goods or provision of services in the domestic country as well as in case of the acquisition of goods or services from another Member State as well as in case of the importation of goods and services.

    Tax exemptions

    VAT exemptions :
  • Postal services ,
  • Health Care (nursing and midwife care, health spa care, health care provided by dentists, emergency health services etc.)
  • Social Assistance Services ,
  • Training and Educational Services ,
  • Services Supplied to Members (in a return for subscription) ,
  • Services Linked to Sport or Physical Education ,
  • Cultural Services ,
  • Fund Raising ,
  • Services of Public Television and Radio Bodies ,
  • Insurance Services ,
  • Supply and Leasing of Immovable Property,
  • Financial Services,
  • Sale of Stamped Stationery and Fiscal Stamps,
  • Operation of Lotteries and Other Similar Games ,
  • Tax Exemption of Transport Services (transport of passengers from the country abroad, from abroad to the country, from a place outside the country to another place outside the country through the country, between two places in the country if it is a part of the international air or water transport)
  • Tax Exemption of the Export of Goods and Services ,
  • Tax Exemption of Trading with the Member States of European Union.

  • 4.3.2 Excise taxes

    Five individual laws regulate the excise taxes on selective goods in the Slovak republic.

    Excise tax on beer

    The subject of the tax is beer produced in SR, delivered from another Member State or imported from a third country. For the purposes of this act, beer means an alcoholic beverage with alcohol contents exceeding 0.5 % of the volume which originated by the spirituous fermentation of brewing beer or which is a mixture of beer and non-alcoholic beverages. The concentration of beer is expressed in degrees Plato3*. The tax base is the amount of beer stated in hectolitres. The tax is calculated as the product of the tax base, beer concentration in degrees Plato and the appropriate tax rate.

    Tax rates of the excise tax on beer

      Tax rate in SR
    Basic tax rate SKK 50/degree Plato/hl
    Reduced tax rate SKK 37/degree Plato/hl

    The reduced tax rate is applied to beer produced by an independent small brewery whereof the annual beer production does not exceed 200 000 hectolitres.

    Excise tax on wine

    For purposes of the excise tax, wine is differentiated by the producing technology. Wine means still wine, sparkling wine and intermediate product. The subjects of the tax are wines (still, sparkling, intermediate products) which were produced, delivered from another Member State or imported from a third country. The tax base is the amount of wine stated in hectolitres. The tax is calculated as the product of the tax base and the appropriate tax rate.

    Tax rates of the excise tax on wine

    Type of wine
    Tax rate in SR
    Still wine
    SKK 0 /hl
    Sparkling wine
    SKK 2,400 /hl
    Sparkling wine with alcohol contents not exceeding 8.5 % of the volume
    SKK 1,700 /hl
    Intermediate products
    SKK 2,500 /hl

    Excise tax on spirit

    The subject of the tax is spirit produced in the Slovak Republic or transported from another Member State or Non-Member State of the EU. The tax base is the amount of spirit stated in hectolitres of the 100 % alcohol. The tax is calculated as the product of the tax base and the appropriate tax rate.


    *degree Plato is the content of the extract of the original brewing beer calculated according to the big Balling formula stated in the Slovak Technological Norm expressed in weight percentage

    Tax rates of the excise tax on spirit

      Tax rate in SR
    Basic tax rate SKK25,000/hl
    Reduced tax rate SKK 12,500/hl*

    The reduced tax rate is applied to spirit produced in a fruit grower’s distillery in the amount of no more than thirty litres of alcohol per grower and his household per production period.

    Excise tax on mineral oil and intermediate products

    The subjects of the tax are mineral oils produced in SR, delivered to SR from another Member State or imported from a third country. Mineral oil means petrol, gas oil, heating oil and liquefied petroleum gas. The tax base is the amount of mineral oil stated in litres at the temperature of 15 °C or in kilograms. The tax shall be calculated as the product of the tax base and the appropriate tax rate. The tax rates are stated in the following table. Specific types of mineral oils are exempted from the duty.

    Tax rates of the excise tax on mineral oil

    Subject of the tax MJ Tax rate in SKK/MJ
    1,000 l 15,000
    1,000 l 18,000
    Medium oil and gas oil 1,000 l 14,500
    Heating oil 1,000 kg 800
    Liquefied petroleum gas as fuel
    1,000 kg 7,800
    Liquefied petroleum gas as gas
    1,000 kg 0
    Natural gas as fuel 1 GJ 100
    Natural gas as gas 1 GJ 0

    Excise tax on tobacco products

    The subjects of the tax are tobacco products produced in the tax territory of SR, imported from a third country or delivered from another Member State. The tax base for tobacco products is the amount of tobacco products expressed in pieces or kilograms with the exception of cigarettes. The tax base for cigarettes is the amount of cigarette pieces in a consumer package and the cigarette price stated on the tax stamp. The tax on tobacco products with the exception of cigarettes is calculated as the product of the tax base and the tax rate. The tax on cigarettes is calculated as the sum of a specific part of the tax and of the percentage part of the combined tax rate. The specific part of the tax is calculated as the product of the number of cigarette pieces in a consumer package and of the specific part of the combined tax rate.


    *The amount of no more than thirty litres per grower and his household per production period.

    Tax rates of the excise tax on tobacco products

    Subject of the tax
    Tax rate in SR
    SKK 0.91 /piece
    20 %
    SKK 1.40 /piece
    cigars, cigarillos
    SKK 1.40 /piece
    SKK 1,350 /kg

    The tax period is one calendar month for all types of excise taxes and the tax administration
    is performed by the customs office. The tax obligation arises on the day of releasing tobacco
    products into the free circulation.
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