1.2.2 Level of education of Slovak population
In the academic year 2004/2005 there were 161 626 students attending the universities with
an increasing trend for a last decade as shown in the graph below this text. There are two
reasons explaining this growth – increased birth rate in the 70’s and a higher percentage of
high-school graduates attending the universities (which is a promising fact for the expansion
of the educational economy). There are several facts about Slovak higher education stated in
the following graphs.
Universities in SR and the development of their amount
Public universities ; State universities ; Private universities

Faculties in SR and the development of their amount
University ; Agricultural ; Technical ; Artistic ; Economic ; Military and patrol

Percentage of new students of the full-time study at the universities to the amount of high-school graduates ; Secondary school ;
Secondary trade school ; Apprentice training school

Source : UIPS
There are currently more than 160 000 students studying at the universities in SR. This
amount was more than doubled since 1993. There were more than 20 000 students
graduating from the universities in Slovakia in the academic year 2003/2004.
The universities are distributed all over Slovakia. In 2003 there were almost 150 000
university students, almost one third of them was studying in Bratislava, 14 000 students in
Trnava, 20 000 in Nitra, 15 000 in Banská Bystrica, 20 000 in Košice, 10 000 in Prešov,
4 000 in Trenčín, 9 000 in Žilina.